View our Internal Control Documents
The Council has a Planning Committee and a number of focus groups.
Planning Committee: Mrs N Hanley (Chair), Mrs A Moir, Mrs V Hawken, Mr M Wood
Finance: Mrs D Thomas (Clerk), Mr M Wood, Mrs A Moir, Mr M Darby
Volunteers Focus Group: Mr M Wood
Roads and Transport Focus Group: Mr M Wood and Mr M Darby
Footpaths: Mr M Wood, Mrs N Hanley
Communications and Action Plan Focus Group: (Website, Facebook, emails), Mrs V Hawken and Mrs A Moir
Health and Wellbeing: Mrs N Hanley and Mrs V Hawken
Emergency Plan & Winter Management Plan: Mrs V Hawken
Rawson Hall: Mrs N Hanley
Bolney Parochial Church Council: Mr M Wood
Rampion Wind Farm: Mrs N Hanley
Rotary Councillors Forum: Vacant
West Sussex Association of Local Councils: Mrs A Moir and Mrs N Hanley
(WSALC organises training courses for Councillors and Clerks, issues circulars and gives advice to local authorities on good practice, procedure and management, and on legal issues. It also takes forward views on behalf of Local Authorities to the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) who make representations to Government bodies etc.)
Action in Rural Sussex: Ad Hoc
(AIRS gives help and advice to Local Authorities and Residents Associations on Local Action Plans, Village Appraisals and surveys. It highlights problems specific to rural areas and tries to create a climate in which rural businesses and communities can prosper.)
Mid Sussex Association of Local Councils: Mrs A Moir and Mrs N Hanley
(MSALC is a group forum for all Local Authorities in Mid Sussex to enable the pooling of ideas, discussing items of mutual interest and, where necessary, making representations to District and County authorities.)